Product Design • Branding


A cookbook and brand designed for college students that lack time, money, or knowledge. We focus on local seasonal produce to help them cook healthy and fresh. All our recipes are easy and fast to make, and you can trust you’ll be cooking everything in season!

This project was developed in collaboration with Thu Yen (Erin) Nguyen and Taylor Gunnells, as well as the Student Farm at Penn State who provided us the recipes.

Project Brief

Create a project in collaboration with an expert, incorporating informative elements into the deliverable(s).
Created Dec 2022


For our brand’s design, we heavily focused on a more geometric look to mirror crop circles. We wanted our brand to be modern and sleek but not overly reliant on produce imagery to give ourselves a distinct identity. 

Our cookbook is structured around specific produce items, colors chosen to compliment their natural ones. Each recipe uses the fruit or vegetable as its main ingredient and are 6 or less steps, with its best season indicated on the spine and back of the recipes. 


Because our product in centered on State College, we focused closely on specific demographics that our product would appeal to, while also comparing our goals to existing products. Penn State has a wide variety of people with a wide variety of lifestyles, so we wanted to create our cookbook to appeal to anyone while also focusing on our primary audience: health concious students.
